Who we are

Give a Hand is a registered charity in United Kingdom – Charity Number 1170329.

We provide food, medication and learning materials for inhabitants of rural parts of Africa primarily operating in The Gambia and Senegal. Our long term aim is to expand into other parts of Africa. We take pride in the work we do which includes setting up wells and bore holes to provide clean drinking water, and giving financial assistance for hospital care and equipment for inhabitants from deprived areas. We mainly work with the most vulnerable people in African society particularly orphans, widows and the elderly.

In the UK we run a food bank once a week, providing food to the people of Manchester

Our vision

Our vision is to remove poverty in Africa and to make sure the most vulnerable are given access to opportunities for a reliable food supply, an education, good healthcare and clean water. We are currently working in The Gambia and Senegal but we intend to extend our work to Ghana, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Uganda, Congo and the Caribbean.

We hope to provide food, wells, books,  and financial assistance to those who need it most. Some of the initiatives we are working on include setting up food banks in rural parts of Africa, providing self defence classes for females, and building an orphanage for children.

Our Values


Accountability means we take responsibility. We are committed to doing the right thing, to make things better and to pursue excellence. Our goal here is to ensure we are answerable for our actions in the work we do.


Give a Hand will have an open and honest communication about all things. It is important to us to be reliable when building a trusting relationship with the communities we work with and the people who can help us.


This is the foundation of on which we stand – we are entrusted to act on a cause by donors. Trust for us is defined as a firm belief in the reliability, ability and strength of our operations.


Without compassion we wouldn’t exist. To be compassionate is about respecting people’s free will. It is about serving humanity and it is about the genuine concern for other people’s needs. For us, compassion is empathy which is visible through our actions.


Give a Hand is dedicated to working fairly and justly, distributing aid equally and as entrusted. We will ensure equal opportunities and life chances for every individual we are able to help without singularity.


Give a Hand is led by strong ethical and moral principles, following them at all times. In this we always act with honesty, honour, and truthfulness no matter the level of difficulty in completing our missions.