Giving to Charity is a Generous Act of Kindness, But…

Giving donations to the less fortunate is a very generous act of kindness.  In some cases the recipient’s life is changed.  But in many cases this will also create a dependency to be established and the next need is met with an open hand.  Not all things fall into this category; a life saving drug for example is often a pure gift and the recipient has no ability to utilise it beyond its purpose.  But what if things could be different for other things that are essential to life?  What if the person getting the gift is also getting an income, a skill, a craft, an education to be used to provide a no-dependency independent way of living for a recipient?

This is what Give a Hand believes in – to provide the tools necessary for poverty alleviation without a permanent reliance on aid. We aim for widows in rural villages or in minority ethnic groups to not only be successful business owners, but to also learn new skills and provide the facilities they need for good healthcare for themselves and their orphan children.

We want to provide life changing long term solutions for these women and their children.

Give a Hand also wants to run a continuous program for orphaned children to be provided with school, stationary items and most importantly the education they need in order to stand on their feet in life. A big project we want to undertake for their sake is to build an orphanage – to provide a secure environment where they can be looked after as they flourish.

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